WARNING: Some works in this exhibition contain graphic sexual imagery. Visitor discretion is advised.



Sex Drive presents contemporary artworks that address sexuality across a panoply of forms. Using photography, drawing, painting, video, sculpture, and installation, 22 artists bring their own pleasures and political dispositions to bear on identity and gender, romance and lust, religious and legal strictures, and private and public scandals. Sex Drive asks us to consider the conventions that govern sexuality, as well as its unruly power.

Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery

This exhibition has been developed in conjunction with Haverford College’s Humanities Seminar “Sex, State, and Society in the Early Modern World.”

Artists: Larry Jens Anderson, Ion Birch, Vertna Bradley, Claude Cahun, Michael Patterson-Carver, Lynn Cazabon, John Coplans, Patricia Cronin, Steve Gianakos, Leon Golub, Duncan Grant, Peter Hujar, Leigh Ledare, Anissa Mack, Melanie Manchot, Christopher Makos, Forest McMullin, Andres Serrano, Mira Schor, Clarissa Sligh, Nancy VanDevender, David Wojnarowicz

About the Curator

Stuart Horodner

Stuart Horodner currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia, where he is Artistic Director and Curator at the Atlanta Contemporary Art Center. More…

In The Mood

by Stuart Horodner

Lingering glances and sweaty palms.  Unzipping your dress.  Taking your pants off.  You have your memories, I have mine.  And the participating artists have theirs.  For Sex Drive I have selected photographs, drawings, paintings, videos, sculptures, and installations to shape a multi-voiced story about desire, power, and difference.  More…

Wrong Results: The Google Blacklist

by John Muse

On September 8th, 2010, Google added “Instant Search” to its search engine:

Start typing and results appear right before your eyes. Until now, you had to type a full search term, hit return, and hope for the right results. More…

Likes, Favorites, and Other Obscenities

by Ellen Freeman ’11 and Patrick Phelan ’11

Over the past decade, the words “like” and “favorite” have been annexed.  Although they are still used as signs of affection (”I like…” or “My favorite…”), they’re now commonly on the receiving end of clicks.  More…

We Overfeed Our Heroes Until They Explode

Senator Larry Craig

by Michael Rushmore ’14

Lies, awkward press conferences, subsequent parodies, redemption or obscurity—yes, sex scandals are pretty enjoyable. Searching through YouTube confessions for Vertna Bradley, the videographer crafting an apologies mash-up for inclusion in Sex Drive, More…

Haverford Graffiti, VanDevender Wallpaper

by John Muse

On November 9th Sex Drive artist Nancy VanDevender asked Haverford students Ellen Freeman ’11 and Patrick Phelan ’11 to “gather some images: notes, scribbles, handwriting, personal ads, drawings, hand-drawn bathroom notes, sex graffiti, any hand-drawn or written words, etc.”  More…

for a good time…

Have you seen any interesting erotic graffiti on campus or nearby? Any scribbles, scrawls, “for a good time call”s?  Any penises, hearts, musings, or declarations of love recorded on bathroom walls, library carrels, the inside of your sock drawer, or any other space, public or private? More…

Just One Kiss, Then Another

by Farid Azfar

In Melanie Manchot’s 2009 film, Kiss, a boy and a girl kiss on top of a double-decker bus as it moves through the streets of London.   More…