Browsing items tagged with " Nancy VanDevender"

Nancy VanDevender

Nancy VanDevender is an installation artist who uses space as a platform for mixing politics, theatre, and design.

In The Mood

by Stuart Horodner Lingering glances and sweaty palms.  Unzipping your dress.  Taking your pants off.  You have your memories, I have mine.  And the participating artists have […]

Likes, Favorites, and Other Obscenities

by Ellen Freeman ’11 and Patrick Phelan ’11 Over the past decade, the words “like” and “favorite” have been annexed.  Although they are still used as signs […]

Haverford Graffiti, VanDevender Wallpaper

by John Muse On November 9th Sex Drive artist Nancy VanDevender asked Haverford students Ellen Freeman ’11 and Patrick Phelan ’11 to “gather some images: notes, scribbles, handwriting, personal […]