Caravana 43 Calling for Justice: A Dialogue with Relatives of Ayotzinapa’s Disappeared Students

Caravana 43 poster

Watch event here:

For a recap of the event please see senior Hina Fathima’s article here:

Caravana 43 Calling for Justice:

A Dialogue with Relatives of Ayotzinapa’s Disappeared Students

(Spanish with English translation)

April 8th

7:00 PM

Youtube users:

Caravana 43 was formed in response to the Mexican government’s lack of transparency and accountability for the Ayotzinapa case. Relatives and peers of the 43 disappeared students have traveled to Europe demanding justice, accountability and support, and now they are traveling through the United States.


Please join us for a dialogue with:

Anayeli Guerrero de la Cruz

Sister of Oshivani Guerrero de la Cruz
Clemente Rodríguez Moreno

Father of Christian Alfonso Rodríguez Telumbre
Felipe De la Cruz Sandoval

Teacher and Father of Ángel Nery survivor

On September 26th, in Iguala Mexico the local police attacked a group of students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Normal School and bystanders. Six people were killed, more than 20 injured, 43 students suffered enforced disappearance. Presumably they were handed in to organized crime for execution. The Mexican government has not given a meaningful response, it has been insensitive, and their inquiries have covered up military, police and politicians’ responsibility for this act of state violence. After recent recommendations by the Committee on Enforced Disappearance (CED) of United Nations and the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights, the Mexican government continues to deny its responsibility and considers it is an isolated case.


Quisieron enterrarnos pero no sabían que éramos semilla

They wanted to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds

Sponsored by:

Spanish Department (HC and BMC)



Provost’s Office HC

More than 180 organizations including: Frente Ayotzinapa USA and RIUM.


For more information visit:

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