Petitions and Donations

 How Can I help? Take action. Infórmate y demanda un cambio

Donations are very appreciated

Parents of 43 Disappeared Students: Shortly after the tragic noght of Iguala, Most of the parents moved to Ayotzinapa Rural Normal School “Raúl Isidro Brugos” in Tixtla . They have been living in the school since then as a way of demanding Mexican government bringing their children back. Using the school as headquarters, parents of disappeared students have been able to organize several protests and caravans in different states of Mexico, in Europe, Latin America and the United States providing first hand information, and demanding justice. Discredit campaigns have been targeting the economic sources for traveling. However this has only been possible thanks to donations of activists and supporters. It is important to note that conditions for living, even as a student, in the school are stark since budget shortcuts have been progressively dismantling Rural Normal Schools project. To understand the education project that relies behind Normal Schools and attacks made against Ayotzinapa students in last years please consult Tlachinollan report: Desde las trincheras de Ayotzinapa. Informe de Centro de Derechos Humanos Tlachinollan, Ago 2015 (solo español):

For these reasons donations are really significant, they will help support parent’s calling for truth and justice.

Account Number: 0105636140 
CLABE: 012280001056361403
City: Tixtla, Guerrero
For confirming transaction: 
cel: +5217541036291 

Guerrero and CDMX contact Julio Mata:

Asociación Esperanza contra las Despariciones Forzadas y la Impunidad

Baja California and north of Mexico, contact Lic. Miguel Ángel Leyva:

Pasaje Celaya 1088, Centro Cívico, Mexicalli, BC

ph: +(52) 686 5526701, cel +(521686) 139 4974

Colectivo Contra la Tortura y la Impunidad

Acapulco Guerrero, contact Raymundo Díaz y Nicomedes Fuentes at:

Comité de Familiares de Detenidos-Desaparecidos “Hasta Encontrarlos”
Contact Nadín Reyes Maldonado: Donations can be made at Bank: BBVA Bancomer
Account number: 2721895699
For confirming transaction: CDMX, cel +(52155) 2338 5659
Comité de Familiares de Personas Detenidas Desaparecidas en México (COFADDEM)

Janahuy Paredes Lachino:

Familiares en Búsqueda María Herrera AC

Founded in 2011, this organization is related to Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad, and currently has joined Red Enlaces Nacionales which is conducting National Brigades in Search of Disappeared Relatives. On April and August 2016 Enlaces Nacionales started the search on clandestine mass graves in Amatlán de los Reyes and Paso del Macho, both in the state of Veracruz. The first search resulted in the discover of 15 clandestine mass graves and more than 15,000 remains of disappeared people. These searches were made by the means of families of disappeared without the intervention or financial support of government’s authorities. The interview was conducted on October 20th in Spanish and it has no English subtitles. If you wish to know more and support the next National Brigade please contact:

Bank: Banamex 
Account Number: 9500 844026 
CLABE: 002180701033962963
City: Mexico City
For confirming transaction:
 Grupo de Búsqueda en Fosas Clandestinas Los Otros Desaparecidos

Contact Xitlali Miranda: and Mayra Vergara Hernández:

HIJOS México


“Stop Impunity, Violence, Torture and Enforced Disappearance in Mexico”

Urgent matter, Mexican Senate intends to approve laws reforms by fast track without consulting relatives of disappeared. For a General Law of Victims' Reform resulted from participatory, transparent and inclusive process, support proposal made by relatives of disappeared to Mexican Senate.
Colectivo de Mujeres Luchadoras, PA
Justice For Ayotzinapa Grand Rapids, MI
Comisión Mexicanan para la Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos AC

“Alto a la imunidad, la violencia, la tortura y la desaparación forzada en México”

Urgente, el Senado mexicano intenta aprobar las leyes vía fast track sin consultar con las víctimas y familiares de desaparecidos. Por un una reforma a la Ley General de Vícitmas como resultado de un proceso participativo, transparente e incluyente, apoya la propuesta de los familiares de desaparecidos al Senado.
Colectivo de Mujeres Luchadoras, PA
Justice For Ayotzinapa Grand Rapids, MI
Comisión Mexicanan para la Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos AC
  • Open military headquarters for continuing investigations of military, police forces and organized crime operations during the night of Iguala. Abrir los cuarteles militares para continuar las investigaciones de la milicia, fuerzas policíacas y crimen organizado durante la noche de Iguala.
  • Approve General Law Against Enforced Disappearance presented by relatives of disappeared. Aprobar la iniciativa de Ley General contra la Desaparición Forzada presentada por organizaciones de familiares de desaparecidos.
  • Endorse Victim’s Rights blueprint delivered by relatives of disappeared to Mexican Senate for becoming a Reform Initiative of General Law of Victims. No to the fast track approval of GLV promoted by PRI. Apoyar una reforma a la Ley General de Víctimas basada en propuesta presentada por los familiares de desaparecidos. No a la aprobación vía fast track presentada por el PRI.
  • Approve the package of 22 law reforms’ initiative aimed to defend victim’s rights and facilitating the efficient application of General Law Against Enforced Disappearance, and General Law of Victims, which will facilitate as well following investigations and prosecute persons and institutions responsible of these crimes. Apoyar la iniciativa de reforma Miscelánea en materia de víctimas (22 leyes) para hacer efectivos los derechos de las víctimas.
  • Stop harassment and criminalization of students, teachers, activists, journalists, indigenous and community leaders. Terminar el acoso, intimidación, asesinato y criminalización de estudiantes, maestros, activistas, periodistas, comunidades indígenas y líderes comunitarios.
  • Promote the creation of an international and independent monitoring mechanism, or international observers for providing, truth, accountability, justice, and eventually, reparation to the relatives of disappeared people. Crear un mecanismo internacional e independiente de monitoreo para la rendición de cuentas, verdad, justicia y reparación integral de los familiares de desaparecidos.
  • Stop financial and armament support from the Unites States to Mexican government. Terminar con la ayuda financiera y armamentista de Estados Unidos al gobierno mexicano.
Other Petitions:

General Law Against Enforced Disappearance by Comité Cerezo and 160 NGOs in Mexico:

Petición Campaña nacional contra la desaparición forzada del Comité Cerezo y 160 ONG’s en México:

Demand Justice for Ayotzinapa Students by Amnesty International

Petición Amnistía Internacional México:

SOA Watch:


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