Enforced Disappearance and Human Rights: Conferences and Roundtables

As part of marking the international day of the detainee-disappeared, organizations of relatives of disappeared persons in Mexico organized at least a couple of meetings and roundtables addressing the challenges they have been facing to denounce these crimes to the authority,  and to start field searching groups. Around 60 organizations in Mexico, and more than 28, 000 families are looking for their beloved ones. Meaning civil society is replacing authorities’ role for conducting investigations, finding and identifying human remains found in clandestine mass graves. My apologies, these videos do not have English Subtitles.

Entre el dolor y la esperanza. La lucha por la presentación con vida de los desaparecidos de Guerrero

“Between Pain and Hope. The Struggle for Bringing Back Alive Disappeared People in Guerrero” at Foro Estatal of Chilpancingo City in Guerrero Mexico

On August 28th and 29th 2016, relatives of disappeared persons from different organizations participated in this  panel discussion held at Foro Estatal in Chilpancingo City, Guerrero. Parents of 43 Ayotzinapa students, Clandestine Mass Graves Search Group The Other Disappeared of Iguala, among others organizations exchange their experiences with authorities and human rights organizations. Edgardo Buscaglia provided his insights on enforced disappearance, state/crime violence and human rights crisis in Mexico. Video is in Spanish, no English subtitles.

Primer Encuentro Nacional de Desaparición Forzada

“First National Conference  of Enforced Disappearance” at UACM San Lorenzo Tezonco, Mexico City

On August 22th and 23th 2016, it was held a roundtable for discussing enforced disappearance in Mexico at Autonomous University of Mexico City (UACM) campus San Lorenzo Tezonco. Scholars such as Pilar Calveiro, Silvia Dutrénit,  Evangelina Sánchez Serrano, Claudia Rangel Lozano, Manolo Vela Castañeda, among others, discussed systematic violations of human rights comparing cases in Southern Cone and Central America. Comparative approach also addressed the transformation from state violence  targeting political dissidents to the massive practice and its connections to Mexican authorities, organized crime and the war against drugs policy.  Discussions between relatives of disappeared organizations, NGO’s, Human Rights government’s institutions and scholars provide a very rich and profound approach to this crisis. Documentary film, art exhibition and performance were included. Video in Spanish, no English subtitles.


Disappearances in Mexico Two Years After Ayotzinapa

UCL Institue of the Americas, London

London Mexico Solidarity and UCL Institute of the Americas organized events during September for remembering the Second Anniversary of the 43 Ayotzinapa students’ disappearance. These series included film screenings, a panel discussion and a demonstration demanding to stop systematic disappearance in Mexico. In the link below you may find the panel discussion with Leticia Hidalgo from FUNDENNL, Thomas Rath (UCL History, and former Visiting Professor at Haverford), Benjamin Smith, Ed Vullamy and London Mexico Solidarity. Podcast of the panel discussion is in English.





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