Demonstrations and Support

“Cacerolazo” at PGR

May 19, 2016. Almost 20 Months after, relatives of 43 disappeared students call for truth and justice outside Republic’s General Prosecutor’s Office (PGR).  During “cacerolazo” they demanded that Tomás Zerón de Lucio should be removed from his post because he manipulated and planted human remains in San Juan river one day before authorities discovered the bags that presumably contained student’s remains left on the river.

Results of the investigation made by GIEI, appointed by Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, point out at severe obstructions and anomalies during the official investigations. Therefore civil society and the relatives of 43 disappeared students demand accountability and do not trust authorities to perform a investigations with transparency. The removal of Zerón de Lucio would be taken as a sign of goodwill for delivering justice and accountability.

CNTE and Relatives of 43 against Peña Nieto’s Education Reform

May 27, 2016. Teacher’s protest in Mexico have been stigmatized by a discredit campaign orchestrated by the government. However, reforms have been proved to be more about dismantling labor rights rather than a real education reform that takes in mind cultural, language and community diversity. Relatives of 43 disappeared students support Movimiento magisterial (Teacher’s Movement), particularly after government has been repressing this movement, and their right to protest, it has threatened and arrested teachers in Oaxaca and Chiapas refusing to open a dialogue with Teachers Labor Union (CNTE).

During the protest on May 27, relatives of the 43 and supporters cried: “Alerta que camina, la lucha guerrillera en América Latina” (Be alert ’cause its moving, the guerrilla’s struggle in Latin America) in reference to the advance of social movements calling for justice and equity. Event though this protest was aimed to support Teachers Movement, it is not unrelated to relatives of 43 disappeared students’ demands. Ayotzinapa Rural Normal School has been targeted to extreme budget shortcuts and a discredit campaign for its political commitment with the ones who need the most.  The cry, “¿Por qué los asesinan, si son la esperanza de América Latina?” (Why they killed them if they are the hope of Latin America) reminds not only the outcomes of the night of Iguala (6 people killed, 2 survivors seriously injured, and 43 disappeared), but it also reminds the several attacks perpetrated against any protesters whether they are students, teachers, activists or simply bystanders.

Humanitarian Brigade for Peace, Marabunta Collective

“The first violence is injustice” sates Miguel Barrera Rocha when he explains the origins,  goal, and achievements of  Humanitarian Brigade for Peace Marabunta. If you are interested to know more, volunteer of making donations please contact:
Espacio Libre Independiente Marabunta in Mexico City
Of: (+5255) 57571023
Cel: (+52155) 5521782733

Alma Eréndira Sandoval Carrillo is human rights advocate and volunteers for the Humanitarian Brigade for Peace Marabunta. In this interview she explains why she decided to join the Brigade and what is the role for supervising and assisting others during demonstrations in Mexico, particularly taking care of relatives of the 43 disappeared students during protests. If you would like to know more, volunteer or making donations please contact:
Espacio Libre Independiente Marabunta in Mexico City
Of: (+5255) 57571023
Cel: (+52155) 5521782733

Semillas Collective

Mexico’s Impunity: La Impunidad de Mexico

Villanova, Bryn Mawr and Haverford

Verdad y Justicia por Ayoztinapa: extender periodo de GIEI en México

Truth and Justice for Ayotzinapa: extention of GIEI in Mexico

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