Knitting Hope/ Tejiendo la Esperanza

This is a project to raise funds for supporting the Third National Search Brigade of relatives of disappeared people. Red Enlaces Nacionales is a network of several organizations of disappeared people’s relatives who are taking the courage to search for their beloved ones in clandestine mass graves. After the disappearance of students of Ayotzinapa, enforced disappearance became more visible. It has been reported more than 28,000 people disappeared since 2006 when former president Felipe Calderón started the War against Drug Trafficking. This policy has been undertaken by current president Enrique Peña Nieto and it has unleashed human rights violations by police, army and organized crime including torture, executions, massacres and massive disappearances. Since the government is not providing any support to the relatives of disappeared different organizations started searching for their relatives by their own means.

Their initiative does not have official support, neither receives funding from the government. Next January they will be starting the search in Sinaloa, and they need your support. For these reasons we are exchanging knitted scarfs and mittens for donations in the area of Haverford and Norristown. There is no price, you give a donation and pick up a garment.

If you wish to contribute directly with Third National Brigade, please contact with Red Enlaces Nacionales:

For more information about National Brigades check out our section Clandestine Mass Graves Search Brigades:



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