Independent Media


Frontline India, “Mexico: Despair and Unrest” by Vijay Prashad (May 27, 2016)

The New Yorker,The Missing Forty-Three: The Mexican Government Sabotages Its Own Independent Investigation” by Francisco Goldman
(April 22, 2016)

New York Times, “Investigators Say Mexico Has Thwarted Efforts to Solve Students’ Disappearance” by Azam Ahmed and Paulina Villegas ( April 22, 2016)

The California Sunday Magazine, “The Disappeared. The story of September 26, 2014, the day 43 Mexican students went missing — and how it might be a turning point for the country” by John Gibler  (Jan 4, 2015)

The New Yorker, “Crisis in Mexico: The Disappearance of the Forty-Three” by Francisco Goldman (October 24, 2014)

TV online

“Desapariciones forzadas en México” Nov 4, 2015

Deutsche Welle and Rompeviento TV (Spanish)Denise Dresser (political analyst), Omar García (Ayotzinapa student), Katia D’Artigues (journalist), and Daniela Aguirre (lawyer at Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez). Presented by Gonzalo E. Cáceres, (Deutsche Welle), and Ernesto Ledesma (director of Rompeviento TV).

“Perspectivas: Se fue el GIEI de México ¿qué sigue?” May 5, 2016

Rompeviento TV (Spanish) journalist Ernesto Ledesma interviews Omar García, survivor of the attacks on September 26 and 27 of 2014.


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